Welcome to HorseWorks Equine Learning Centre
An Equine Learning Centre
See what we offer
Youth programs (Ages 10+)
Family Programs
Adult Programs: Elements of Change
Why Choose HorseWorks?
Equine-Assisted Learning is a powerful, professional and effective approach, demonstrated to have a positive impact on individuals of all ages.
By including horses in specially-designed experiential learning exercises, equine-assisted specialists are able to observe non-verbal communication of the horses and be a translator as well as a guide to encourage the learner to attain the outcome of each exercise. The participants in this hands on approach to learning have exhibited an increase of retention and understanding of the skills learned.
HorseWorks delivers a Certified Program of Equine Assisted Learning and upholds the Cartier Farms EAL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
The EAL BuildingBlock™ curriculum is provided by trained and certified facilitators with a working knowledge of horse behaviour, horse/human parallels and the key components of life-skills