Our Teachers
Hogan is a 2003 Paint X, and he is the Boss in the field! He will make sure that all the other horses are where they should be, or not! He can move them around with the twitch of his ear or a sideways glance. When Hogan is not in charge of his herd he is actually, surprisingly perhaps, rather introverted and quite sensitive. He requires a calm and sensitive, assertive leader.
Stella is a 1998 Thoroughbred who spent most of her years in the Equine sport of Dressage. She is a beautiful mare who still loves to perform and please an audience. These days her audience consists of EAL participants, and she never fails to exceed their expectations.
Allie is a 1999, very agile, Arabian. She loves to run, and that tendency served her well in her Equine sport of Endurance. In her current career as an EAL horse she exhibits amazing tolerance with those of us that can send mixed messages in our communication.
Sakari is a 2005 Tobiano Paint because of her black and white markings. Before she came to live with us at HorseWorks she had two babies, and one of them looks exactly like her! Sakari is 15 years old, and her current mission in life is to be adored. In her EAL work she shows us her huge personality and is very attentive to her team.
Kahlie is a 2016 Standardbred X, and she is in training to be an EAL horse. Once she gains lots more life experiences she will be a great addition to the EAL team.
Reba is a 2017 Arabian X, and she is also in training for the EAL program. She wishes she could join us in the arena now, but she definitely needs to be a spectator of the EAL sessions for a while yet!
Flash is a 2008 Paint with a smaller stature but a huge heart. He joined the herd in November 2022, and began his EAL career in February 2023. Flash is a great teacher of possibilities. The humans may think they have it figured out, and Flash will show us a different way. He has a great degree of patience and tolerance for EAL participants.
Dundee is a 2002 Appaloosa with a vast amount of life experience. He started as a trail and hunting horse. Afterwards he befriended a young girl and together they went on to win many show jumping competitions. Later on, he taught others to ride and proved himself to be dependable and trustworthy. These days, Dundee shares his wealth of experience in the EAL arena now, and specializes in patience.
BLUE: 1996 – 2023
Blue was a 1992 quarter-horse, and the senior member of the herd at HorseWorks. He spent his working life as a reining horse, and he also spent a lot of time camping and riding in the trails. He loves the special attention he received in the EAL sessions – and would do anything for you once you convinced him it was a good idea!